2020 – Om oss
Åpent Norgesmesterskap i Massasje 2020 arrangeres av Norsk Massasjeforening i samarbeid med IMA (se under). Norsk Massasjeforening er Norges største utøverforening innen alternativ behandling (se våre medlemmer).
Norsk Massasjeforening støtter arrangementet både økonomisk og administrativt, og ser mesterskapet som en unik mulighet til å markedsføre massasjebransjen overfor kunder og media. Samtidig er det et bransjetreff med stort sosialt og forretningsmessig potensial for massører, klinikker, spa, skoler og leverandører.
Kjetil Prestesæter er daglig leder i Norsk Massasjeforening og for arrangementet NM i Massasje.
Norgesmesterskapet arrangeres på lisens fra og i samarbeid med The International Massage Association (IMA).
IMA arrangerer årlig The World Championship in Massage i tillegg til å hjelpe til med de nasjonale mesterskapene rundt i verden.
Kjetil Prestesæter leder Norgesmesterskapet i Massasje 2020 på vegne av Norsk Massasjeforening hvor han er daglig leder.
Kjetil stiftet Norsk Massasjeforening i 2013, og foreningen er nå Norges største utøverorganisasjon. Populariteten skyldes en kombinasjon av god service, lav medlemsavgift og effektiv ledelse.
I 2020 tar foreningen nye grep for å markedsføre medlemmene og massasjebransjen generelt. Norgesmesterskapet er bare et av flere prosjekter – følg med!
Damien Leszczynski er deltakeransvarlig og produksjonsleder for Norgesmesterskapet i Massasje 2020.
Damien har lang utdanning og erfaring som massasjeterapeut, og arbeider for tiden hos Vel & Være på Grünerløkka, Oslo. Han har tidligere deltatt i både EM og VM i massasje, og vant bronsjemedalje i EM 2019.
Jeppe Tengbjerg er hoveddommer for Norgesmesterskapet i Massasje 2020. Han kommer fra Danmark hvor han driver Tengbjerg Massørskole.
Jeppe er også daglig leder for International Massage Association som hvert år arrangerer VM i Massasje. Han reiser mye internasjonalt for å hjelpe stadig flere land med å arrangere sine lokale mesterskap.
Naree Seume
My name is Naree Seume, I am from Thailand. I have been in the Spa industry since 2000. I have worked in various hotels in Thailand, developing from Spa Therapist to Spa Expert Therapist, Spa Supervisor, Spa Trainer, Assistant Spa Manager, Spa Manager and Director of Spa at JW Marriott Khao Lak Resort & Spa. Later I moved to Germany where I am now Spa Manager in Lutherstadt Wittenberg.
In 2017 I participated in the World Massage Championship, performing Thai Warrior massage. I thought this was a great opportunity to meet other massage therapists from around the world, all in one place. I didn’t expect to win but actually I won the Asian category and in the finals I went on to win the gold medal for all categories and become the World Champion of Massage 2017. I am so grateful for this amazing moment.
In 2018 and 2019 I was selected as a Judge at the World Massage Championship in Copenhagen, Denmark, and at the European Massage Championship 2019 in Spilamberto, Italy.
Bojan Miric
My name is Bojan Miric and I come from Serbia. I have a Master degree in Sports and Physical Education. I am also a massage expert and teacher with deep knowledge of many aspects of massage therapy: physiology, body mechanics, muscle and tissue recovery and everything which is connected with improving the health of my clients by giving them the best service I can.
I have created the massage method VAYA Massage, combining massage techniques like Lomi Lomi, Thai, Swedish, Reflexotherapy and my own techniques developed throughout the last 15 years.
I am the current European Massage Champion from Italy 2019, where I also won the Wellness and the Freestyle categories.
Dmitry Redka
Hi, my name is Dmitry Redka. I am from Ukraine. I started doing massage in 2005, when I was still a student. In 2007, I graduated from university and received a master’s degree in physical education and sports. After university, I moved to Moscow, where I worked and studied with the best specialists in the spa industry. Having qualified as a SPA master of the highest category and a spa technologist, I became an assistant to the head of a large SPA center in Moscow.
In 2009, I won the Moscow massage championship, and participated in the Russian massage championship. In 2011, I returned to Ukraine where I worked as a SPA technologist, and became certified teacher at the «International School of Myoplastic Massage» and the «International SPA School». At the moment I work in the largest spa center in Ukraine, and I am the deputy director of the Ukrainian SPA school. I have created the massage method Dissipate Stress Massage.
I have been a judge of several national and international massage championships.
Sabah Arbia
My name is Sabah Arbia. I’m born in Belgium, from an Algerian Tuareg family with long massage traditions: My first teacher was my great grandmother! In addition to my family training, I worked for 4 years with an Indian master who introduced me to Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. Later I took certifications in Shiatsu, Aromatherapy and Naturopathy. This broad background allowed me to develop my deep understanding of therapy and massage techniques, from which I have created my signature method. I am currently teaching this in spas and hotels.
In 2017 I participated in the World Championship of Massage where I won the Freestyle Massage category, and then went on to win the silver medal in the finals. It was an extraordinary experience! Lately I have been selected as a judge in several competitions, including the World Championship and the European Championship 2019 where I was co-organizer.